Tree Planters walking in to the cut block on a muddy trail in northern Alberta

May the Forest Be with You – Part 2

A Tree Planting Photography Adventure by Sharon Krushel, Peace River, Alberta, 2019 Part 1 of this story is here May the Forest Be With You. Chapter 6 – The Purpose When I would mention my amazement at their strength and endurance, the tree planters would reply that it was difficult at first, but your body gets used to it. Their …

Tree Planters walking in to the cut block on a muddy trail in northern Alberta

May the Forest Be with You – Part 1

A Tree Planting Photography Adventure by Sharon Krushel, Peace River, Alberta, 2019 This is the story that inspired the card May the Forest Be With You.   Forward I’d like to introduce you to some truly amazing people – a camp of incredibly hard-working healers of the forest in the Chinchaga wilderness of northern Alberta. Think of this as a …

Peace River Train Station Northern Alberta Railway 1930

“Peace Train” and the Runaway Caboose of 1947

A Comedy of Errors in Peace River’s history Researching a black-and-white photo can lead to the discovery of colourful stories! November 2018 was the 100th Anniversary of the completion of the railway bridge across the Mighty Peace River. I collaborated with Carson Murphy and Beth Wilkins at the Peace River Museum to create a commemorative “Peace Train” card with pictures …

The CANSO Flies Again! – a story of restoration

In 2015, my husband, Terry, and I flew to the annual Father’s Day Fly-in Breakfast. We took off from a farmer’s grass strip near Lac Cardinal in my husband’s homebuilt plane and landed on a lovely asphalt strip just outside of Fairview. There was a great variety of private aircraft to see and pilots eager to share their passion for …

Honour your Mother – with a favourite story!

To write down a story is to create permanent, colourful evidence that a person lived and breathed, laughed and loved. We need to write more. Stories are important. Everyone has stories. I invite you to submit a favourite story about your mother, whether she is young or old, alive or passed on to another realm. It can be a touching …

wild spring crocus dripping with meltin snow

Oh Crappy Day! – Finding Inspiration in the Messiness of Life

I have a love/hate relationship with the end-of-winter season. It’s dreadfully brown, muddy, miserable and volatile – warm and sunny one moment, and snowing and blowing freezing rain in your face the next. Spring is messy…like life is messy. I find my soul taking on the struggle for Spring to break through, searching the hills for barely-visible, courageous fuzzy sprouts …

the lights of a Christmas Tree and a candle made to create multiple colourful treble clefs using long exposure and drawing with the camera

Taking Down the Christmas Tree

There is a certain sadness associated with taking down the Christmas tree. And yet, if you wait until the first week in January, when the children have gone, there is also a sense of “It’s time.” Time to put on a favourite Christmas CD and turn the volume up and listen to Jacob Moon’s jazzy but haunting arrangement of “O …

The Dog who Inspired my Art

THE DOG WHO INSPIRED MY ART – by Sharon Krushel, founder of It all started in the hills – which were alive with the sound of music.     In 1996, I played the part of Maria in the Peace Players’ production of “The Sound of Music”. Little Gretl was played by Rae-anna Koenig, and she started taking voice …