Raven Tango


Acrylic paintings by Patricia Peters, Chilliwack, B.C.


The Raven is an inquisitive bird and a remarkable problem solver, able to thrive in vastly diverse environments, including the cold winters of Canada’s far north. It enjoys experimental aerobatic flight and can be quite an entertaining character with its shaggy throat feathers, crrrucks, croaks, gurgling and knocking calls. The Raven is featured in many Canadian First Nations stories and is the official bird of the Yukon and the city of Yellowknife, NWT.
These Raven works of art by Patricia Peters were part of an exhibition on ravens and crows, highlighting legends, family life, and raven antics. Patricia is also an inquisitive bird and loves to experiment with watercolour, oil, acrylic, encaustic, collage, found objects, and print making. She employs strong colour to convey her energy and optimism in her art.
See more of Patricia’s work at patriciapeters.ca