Sock Monkey in the Pitts
5″x7″ Sock Monkey Birthday Card and envelope
Cover and back photos by Brent Handy, former Canadian Snowbirds pilot
Inside photos by Sharon Krushel at the Peace River Air Show
The future is a fresh new sky
May the plans you make take shape and fly!
Happy Birthday, ________________!
Story on the back:
Brent dreams up, draws up, flies and revises his acrobatic sequence and then performs his artwork in the sky in a Pitts S-2B in airshows and events across Canada. Sometimes, he has a very welcome little passenger. “Sock Monkey belongs to my 6-year-old son and travelled with me across North America for two years when I was a Snowbird pilot. He’s even flown in a few airshow performances! It’s my way of keeping my little boy with me when I’m on the road.” Brent lives with his wife and two children in Moose Jaw, SK. Check out his website: and facebook page: