Bee Who You Izzz


5″x7″ greeting card and envelope
Photos by Sharon Krushel, Peace River, AB

Bee who you izzz…
’cause if you ain’t who you iz then you iz who you ain’t.”
And that would be a piteeful waste of your beeutiful beeing!


Story on the back:

There would be no hope for the flowers, nor for us, if it weren’t for the bees being who they are and doing what they do!
I heard the quote “Be who you is…” in a lecture by Brennan Manning, author of  “Abba’s Child”. Of all the profound things he said, it is this
gem of wisdom that is still buzzing around in my heart.
Cover Photo: Honey Bee to Black-eyed Susan
Inside (clockwise): Honey Bee “Hello!” to a Wild Spring Crocus, Blue-eyed Grass, La Bee en Rose, Wild Blue Columbine, Prairie Lily, Wild Little Violet Snowed Under, Black-eyed Susan, Wild Strawberries and Blossoms, Blue Flax, Daisy, Fireweed (the first flower to bloom after a forest fire).