The Jolly Llama


5″x7″ Jolly Llama Card and envelope

Photos by Miep Burgerjon, Fort St. John, B.C.


“May your llife be llavished
with llove and llaughter”
– The Jolly Llama


Story on the back:

Llama has two Ls because it’s a Spanish word. LL is pronounced Y, so Llama is Yama. (And now you know how the Llama would pronounce the blessing inside this card 😉
The Jolly Llama, a.k.a. Marco, lives on a cattle ranch in the Peace Country where he gallantly watches over and protects his herd from the cunning coyotes.
The Llama’s neighbour and photographer, Miep Burgerjon, is a teacher, artist, sled dog trainer, and an outdoors woman who loves to photograph animals. She is a member of the Flying Colours Artists’ Association and often hosts art workshops in her country studio. See more of her work here.