The Highwaymen


5″x7″ Art Card
Linocut Print by Mary Parslow, Dawson Creek, B.C.

SKU: MPC009 Categories: , Tags: , ,


Story on the back:
Dawson Creek is Mile Zero of the Alaska Highway and was the muster point for the troops that built the Trail of ‘42 during WWII. The construction of this wilderness highway to Delta Junction, Alaska was an engineering marvel, and the social and economic impact would change northern Canada and its people forever. You can read more about it at
To celebrate the 75th Anniversary of this historic roadway, Mary designed, carved and printed this image of ravens engaged in aerial highway surveillance. Ravens were part of the northern landscape long before the highway came through for the people. Being opportunists and clever thieves, the ravens have benefited from its construction as well!

“My art making is a response to my environment – excerpts from living in the Peace region of northern British Columbia. I am deeply affected by the mighty Peace River, the aspen woods, and the birds that surround me. I enjoy finding places where humans and nature come together and look for the extraordinary in the ordinary.”

Peace Country photographer, Sharon Krushel, is also a raven fanatic, and Mary used some of her photos as reference for this image.