

5″x7″ card and envelope

Chickadee photos by Klaus Peters, Winfield, Alberta


Story on the back:
Chickadees are curious, playful birds with a title track song (chickadee-dee-dee…), although they have many variations on their theme, depending on what it is they’re
singing about.
Chickadees don’t migrate; they tough it out through the winter like most Canadians, but without the luxury of touques and winter boots.
The birds eat a wide variety of foods, including insects, seeds and fruit. At feeders, black oil sunflower seeds, shelled peanuts, suet and peanut butter are their favorite foods.
There are five kinds of chickadees in Canada. In the boreal region, we may be fortunate to see more than one chickadee species where their ranges overlap. For example, Klaus Peters was able to photograph both black-capped and boreal chickadees (featured in this card) in central and northern Alberta.

As a young boy, Klaus remembers being fascinated by birds, and his love for observing their patterns and behaviors has continued and grown. Klaus became serious about photography when his artist wife, Rika, expressed a desire to have good images from which to paint. See more of Klaus Peters’ photos at His photography has also been published in a photo book of the Grande Prairie area. You can contact him by email at [email protected].
See photos of trumpeter swans by Klaus in the card entitled “Two Swans.”