Wild Bison in the Chinchaga
5″x7″ card and envelope
Oh give me a home where the wild bison roam
and the fireweed blossoms all day.
Story on the back:
This photo of wild bison, grazing amongst boreal fireweed flowers, was taken by a motion-sensing camera in Chinchaga Wildland Provincial Park, a remote area of northwest Alberta, Canada, about 140 kilometres west of Manning.
Historically, Wood Bison roamed regions of northern Alberta and British Columbia and were believed to disappear from northeast British Columbia in the early 1900’s.
In 1999, the Government of B.C. introduced bison from Elk Island National Park into the Etthithun Lake region near the border with Alberta. Since then, bison numbers have continued to increase and this very hardy species is dispersing in British Columbia as well as south of Rainbow Lake, near Ring Border and west of the Chinchaga Wildland Provincial Park in Alberta. Bison are protected in Alberta north of the Chinchaga River and west of Highway 35.
Welcome back, you beautiful beasts!
Thank you to the Wildlife Biologists at the Peace River office of Environment and Parks for the photo and information.