Regalia of Colour
5″x7″ Aboriginal Pow Wow card and envelope
Photos and card design by Sharon Krushel, Peace River, AB
“When you get the choice to sit it out or dance,
I hope you dance!”
Mark D. Sanders and Tia Sillers
Story on the back:
Aboriginal Gathering and Pow Wow, Peace River, Alberta CANADA
The Peace River Pow Wow is a colourful, inspiring event. I love hearing the singers, feeling the drumbeat resonating in my chest, and seeing the intricate beauty and variety of the regalia and the unique passion and style of each dancer. Some people come from hundreds of miles away to reunite with friends and relatives. Mothers dance with babies in their arms. Parents and grandparents help children get ready for their events. Elders are honoured; they dance and then smile as they watch the youth dance as they once did. And the tradition of the Pow Wow is handed down from generation to generation. As with most traditions, some things change; some things stay the same. But they’re ready to dance when the time comes.
There is one dance event that’s open to everyone. Maybe next time, I’ll be brave enough to join in. Hiy Hiy – Thank you!