Rainbow Touching Down
5″x7″ Rainbow card and envelope
Photo by Sharon Krushel
Follow every rainbow till you find your dream
Story on the back:
While driving to Peace River, Alberta on a dreary summer evening, the surprise beauty of a rainbow touching down in a golden field of canola flowers compelled me to pull over. I found myself standing on the side of Highway 49 in awe, while the traffic whizzed by. I drank in the scene, took some pictures, and enjoyed a few deep, refreshing, after-the-rain breaths before continuing my journey home.
Every time I pass by that little homestead cabin, about 70km north of Valleyview, I smile and remember the arc of many colours and how lucky we are to live in a land touched with bounty, diversity, and promise, where no one has to starve, and we are free to pursue our dreams. And I say a little prayer of gratitude – with my eyes open because I’m driving, and because I don’t want to miss any heavenly surprises.