Kindred Spirits


5″x7″ card and envelope
Photos and card design by Sharon Krushel

Even if their paths had not crossed for some time, there was an instant familiar smile, a desire to listen with eagerness, share with abandon, and simply be together.


Story on the Back:
I asked two kindred spirits, Geneva Seaton and Darrilyn Bastell, to help me create images for a friendship card. We had worked/played together on stage in Peace Players’ “Camelot” theatre production, so we decided to create the images in what I call my “enchanted forest.”
On the only day that worked with our schedules, there was a 30% chance of rain and a high of 13˚C. The chosen aspen grove is deep in the woods north of Peace River. It poured rain before we set out, cleared for a precious moment of sunshine at the beginning of our photo shoot, and then started raining again. But the colours were rich and our spirits were passionate about our mission. We slogged home through the mud, laughing and looking forward to a hot cup of tea.