Peace Country Sleigh Ride


5″x7″ Canadian Christmas card and envelope

Photos by Amos Wiebe – Famous Amos Photography
Grande Prairie, Alberta


Whether you find yourself dashing through the snow
or quietly watching it fall from above,
May you deeply inhale the fresh joy of Christmas
as it warms the world with a
breath of love.


Story on the back:
“Heavy horses, sleighs and some snow to make it all happen!
Now that makes the holiday season feel a little more like Christmas!
“I was out filming some birds when I was photobombed by this
team of horses!” – Amos
The two Percheron horses, Barney and Benny, are being driven by Craig Nelson, with his son, Dalen, “riding shotgun” beside him near Clairmont, AB. Craig says, “I grew up with horses and teams. They’ve just always been a part of our lives.”
Find photos and videos by Amos Wiebe, the wildlife whisperer of northern Alberta, on Facebook at “Famous Amos Photography
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