Feathered Friends
Photos by George Vanderberg,
Lethbridge, AB
Don't get your feathers ruffled;
it's only a BIRTHDAY!
Flock together with a few fine friends
Front cover: Mountain Bluebird
Inside: Common Loon, Blue Jay, Eared Grebe, American Pelican, Northern Harrier, Common Ravens
Inside Centre: Wilson’s Snipe
Back Cover: Common Merganser, American Avocet
George Vanderberg is an electrician by trade and photographer by hobby. He loves to get out his Nikon D500 to capture a shot at just the right moment of a bluebird fully fluffed or a pelican looking at him from an topsy-turvy perspective.
George photographed all of these birds in Alberta, with the exception of the loon, which was photographed on Surveyors Lake while he was camping with family in B.C.
You can contact George for prints at [email protected].