May the Forest Be With You
5″x7″ tree planting greeting card and envelope
Greeting inside:
Bravely persevere in planting saplings of hope, kindness, compassion…
Grow ideas into action.
Click here to read the story that inspired this card.
Story on the back of the card:
Cover photo of Imad Berro by Nikolay Todorov, Montreal, QC
Other photos and card design by Sharon Krushel, Peace River, AB
Tree planters are superheroes restoring our forests one sapling at a time.
These soldiers of the boreal were photographed working long hours with amazing strength, endurance and rhythm through sunshine and rain in the Chinchaga wilderness northwest of Manning, Alberta.
For the story that inspired this card, visit our website: and enter “May the Forest” in the search field.
Each tree planted increases habitat for our precious wildlife, soaks up moisture and prevents erosion and flooding, sucks up CO2 and helps combat climate change.
10.5 cents from each card sold goes toward the planting of trees in Canada to increase wildlife habitat, thanks to our partner WEARTH.