Chickadee and the Sunflower Seed
5″x7″ Chickadee Greeting Card and Envelope
Photos by Sharon Krushel, Peace River, AB
and Miep Burgerjon, Fort St. John, B.C.
May every seed of hope you sow
find a place to bloom and grow.
Story on the back:
I found this colourful stained glass bird feeder at the Kith and Kin gift shop in the artsy little hamlet of Rosebud, Alberta and was delightedly photographing the chickadees entering the little sunlit sanctuary and leaving with their beaks filled and mission accomplished. I didn’t realize until I loaded the photos that this little guy dropped his gift into the snow below. Oops! There goes another one!
The scene reminded me that sometimes what seems at the present to be a loss can turn out to be a seed of hope for the future. A mutual fan and photographer of chickadees in northern B.C. gave me permission to use her image of the chickadee in the sunflowers so this card could come to life. Thank you, Miep!