The Jolly Llama
5″x7″ Jolly Llama Card and envelope
Photos by Miep Burgerjon, Fort St. John, B.C.
“May your llife be llavished
with llove and llaughter”
– The Jolly Llama
Story on the back:
Llama has two Ls because it’s a Spanish word. LL is pronounced Y, so Llama is Yama. (And now you know how the Llama would pronounce the blessing inside this card
The Jolly Llama, a.k.a. Marco, lives on a cattle ranch in the Peace Country where he gallantly watches over and protects his herd from the cunning coyotes.
The Llama’s neighbour and photographer, Miep Burgerjon, is a teacher, artist, sled dog trainer, and an outdoors woman who loves to photograph animals. She is a member of the Flying Colours Artists’ Association and often hosts art workshops in her country studio. See more of her work here.